Episode 4 - Keep The Ghost Inside You
While the others are going through notes, Theo has a look again in the mage’s study and finds a series of strange bottles and potions. He picks up a clear bright green bottle and has a little taste just to see what it is - it tastes like a cool refreshing Sprite, so Theo downs the whole thing. I mean, wizards have to have normal drinks too, right? And whoever’s room this is isn’t gonna need this drink any time soon anyway. So anyway his shadow comes to life and takes the form of an exact duplicate of him, staring back with blank eyes and an expressionless face. Theo gets a fright and runs off, trying to explain to the others that he drank a Sprite that gave him magic ghost powers and now his ghost is following him around.
No one else knows what this could be, but if it’s a potion it’s probably temporary, so I guess let’s not worry about it for now. Theo concentrates and manages to revert his shadow back to its normal form again, and with that horror in the back of their minds they regroup with the kids and Shaun.
Back at their makeshift camp, they talk to Shaun about what to do next. They can’t just leave him here with the kids, but they also need to go get help. Shaun suggests they could try talking to Wendle Featherbottom, the guard of his estate. He’s trained in swordsmanship and has been trying to protect the town, and is just overall a really good dude. Now, like, he is trained in swordsmanship. But. Y’know, it’s maybe not his strongest suit. He’s not bad at it but there are other things he’s way better at, like baking, or sculpting, or being a really nice guy.
They could also try talking to Calix Fowl, the owner of the Old Quarter Tavern. He’s a retired adventurer, and though he can’t fight anymore he might have an idea of what to do in this sort of crisis situation. The only other person that could be of help would maybe be Helguc Brightarm, the town blacksmith. He’s not a fighting man but he does make a mean sword.
With those options on hand, the group decide to do a little reconnaissance and report back with how the town is doing, and how many of the Draconians and Kobolds are left guarding it. If some of their troops have headed to Mirror Cave they might be able to rally the town and take it back with pure numbers.
They arrive at the southern entrance of Easthollow and make their way towards the Bram estate. Easthollow is built at the base of a series of hills and mountains with a dwarven built Mountain Gate that leads into Scorchfountain, their home. A river splits the town in half, north and south, and there are several small plazas lined with trees that dot the neighbourhoods.

They sneak through town again and arrive at an alley. Squeezed between two buildings is a plain wooden door with a sign outside that reads 'The Old Quarter'. Zap tries knocking, but after they get no response he tries the handle. It swings open with a jingle from the small brass bell above the frame, and a voice calls out that they're not open 'til the afternoon.
A human man with a hooked nose and short slicked back hair comes to the counter carrying a stack of clean glasses. His skin is pockmarked and scarred, and the hair at his temples has started to grey. Sitting at the counter is an older dwarf with wild eyes and a deep scowl, only emphasised by the deep lines of wrinkles across his face.
Sage says they're looking for Calix Fowl, and the two men exchange a glance before the one behind the counter says that’s him. The group hesitate for a moment, but say that they’re here on behalf of Lord Bram. That gets the attention of the barkeep and the dwarf, and Calix asks them to shut the door behind them. Zap is suspicious of the other man but Calix introduces him as Helguc Brightarm, the blacksmith they were looking for. The gang catch the two up to speed as Calix quietly continues to set up the tavern for the day, cleaning the countertop and setting out tables.
As they finish the story, Sage feels a bump against their leg and looks down to see a tabby cat weaving its way through the group. Calix smiles and introduces them to Guss, and they take turns giving him scritches (except Maggot who is too nervous). While the group fawn over Guss Calix and Helguc take a long moment to think before Helguc speaks up. He agrees with the plan they made with Wendle, taking back the town and retrieving the children should be their priority. He’s not too keen on being herded around by these lizards for much longer either. Calix agrees, saying he hasn’t seen as many of them around in the last day or two, and with reinforcements from the ruins cut off now would be a good time to strike.
Theo pipes up and asks if they know anything about Mirror Cave - it was mentioned in their notes as a point of interest. Once again the two men exchange a look of concern, and Helguc tells them the story of the nearby mountain.
In ages long past dwarves excavated the mountain range east of here, the Silvermine Hills. In one of the valleys they found a vein of crystal clear silver and followed it down into the deepest depths, protecting it fiercely from mountain troll and dragon alike. But as with any vein it eventually ran dry, and as in many other tales they grew too greedy and kept digging. One day they came across a strange cavern, with a seemingly bottomless pit. The dwarves each had a turn to look inside to see if they could spot the bottom, but even those with the best sight and even those with the keenest eyes could not find it.
As they were inspecting the pit, strange figures began to emerge. Dark shadowy copies of the dwarves, twisted mirrors of those who had found the cave began crawling from the pit, and one by one those who had dug too deep were dragged down into the inky darkness, never to be heard from again. What they had found that day was a gateway to another world - the Shadowfell. A mirror of our own world, a dark timeline of what could have been if some had not shown kindness, or others had succeeded in their dark ambitions.
Helguc says he can’t know what these marauders want with Mirror Cave, but he can only guess it’s nothing good. Maggot asks where he heard all of this about Mirror Cave, and Helguc tells them he had a cousin who was part of the excavation team. His cousin never made it to the gateway, having died protecting the mine from a green dragon, Needle, who was said to live around Hawick about 1000 years ago. With this many leads the group have something more to go on, and they decide to head back to the ruins to tell Lord Bram. Calix offers to come with them as Helguc goes off to tell the townsfolk to get ready.
Calix locks up The Old Quarter as they all agree to meet back up here at sunset with any townsfolk who are willing to fight. The group and Calix make their way out to the edge of Easthollow, but as they make their way down the street Talion starts making a fuss again. Maggot tries desperately to shut him up, pulling the tarp she covers him up in as tight as she can. Calix begins to ask what’s happening, but is interrupted as they come face to face with three Draconian guards who round the corner. Each one is clad in piecemeal armour and wielding a spear, their scaly forms standing as tall as Sage but twice as wide. Talion erupts from beneath the tarp, shouting that he’s trying to warn them Draconians are coming, he can smell their disgusting dragon blood coming their way!
The air goes tense as the Draconians grip their weapons and shift their weight to a battle stance, while Maggot tries to laugh it all off as a misunderstanding, but no one is buying it. Calix quietly asks Theo for a sword, just as the first Draconian lunges for Zap!
What will happen to our heroes as they face off against three massive Draconians? Will they be able to make it back to the ruins without descending the whole town into a riot, or will the ensuing fight spark the fires to free Easthollow?
Find out next time, on Sonnet of Flames!
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