Episode 2 - Oh fuck oh shit, Goblins
As they walk they soon arrive at a stream, and Sage spots the trails of a campfire’s smoke drifting through the sky. They decide to tie Wendy by a tree a little ways away before sneaking up as close as they can get, and across the stream they spot a Goblin camp. In a small clearing are several small wooden shelters, a small watchtower, and a series of large wooden stairs that circle a huge tree at the back. It’s being guarded too, with a Goblin in the watchtower and the Worg tied on a chain near the riverbank, though the Goblin doesn’t seem to be paying much attention. There’s also something cooking over a firepit a little ways in, with two Goblins arguing over it.

As they lay down beneath a large tree, Maggot spots something on the opposite cliff - a glint of steel. She reacts in time to dodge an incoming arrow, and before they have time to rest the group are ambushed again! This delivery job is not going as planned!
What will happen next, as the group is surrounded and attacked on all sides, Goblin spears and arrows in one direction, and a steep fall from the cliff in the other?!
Find out next time, on Sonnet of Flames!
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